SOMMA, a research study funded by the National Institutes of Health, began in 2018. Two clinical centers in the United States, Wake Forest University School of Medicine and University of Pittsburgh, recruited 879 men and women from Pittsburgh, PA and Forsyth County, NC, for the baseline visit (2019-2022). Enrollees were age ≥70 years, able to walk ≥0.6 m/s (4 meters), able to complete 400m walk, free of life-threatening disease, and had no contraindications to magnetic resonance or tissue collection. The baseline visits included collection of biospecimens (muscle and adipose tissue, blood, urine); a variety of questionnaires; physical and cognitive assessments; whole-body imaging (magnetic resonance); accelerometry; and cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). Annual in-person visits have occurred with the third annual visit repeating many of the same measurements as baseline, including CPET. Since the baseline visit, participants have been contacted by phone every six months regarding physical function, health status, living arrangement, medical history, and ascertainment of hospitalizations, cancer diagnoses, falls, fractures, death, and cardiovascular events. An extensive bank of data, images (MR scans, x-rays, HRpQCT scans), and specimens have been archived as part of SOMMA and it’s ancillaries.